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TghatMedia Forum - TMH

YouTube Video 

Information as a weapon of war- August - 2021

TghatMedia Forum with Chessie Baldwin and Teklai Gebremichael on the danger of propaganda and single narratives in the Tigray war. 

UMD Media

YouTube Video 

Interview with UMD Media (September 2021)

ኢትዮጵያ ወዴት - ትግራይ እንደ ማሳያ : ጨዋታ ከተመስገን ካሕሳይ ጋር - The Tigray War and the role of religious institutions and leaders.

Reyot Media

YouTube Video 

Interview with Reyot Media -  January 2022

ርዕዮት: ተኩላዎቹ እረኞች . . . | ቤተእምነቶቹ የጭፍጨፋ መስበክያ እንዴት ሆኑ?
